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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This post is to announce the retirement of this blog... Musings have migrated to another space.

End is the Beginning is the End :)

prinsessa mused @ 9:10 PM


Friday, May 19, 2006

Am typing this from my hotel room in Orlando, mainly to (force myself to) keep awake to get over the jetlag soonest. Will prob start revising for my FMP quiz in a while's time (but The Interpreter's on TV now...! :P).

Anyway. It's been a long time since I was last in Orlando...I think I was 9? I totally don't recognise it now...perhaps cos I don't remember much specifically to begin with. I find it rather surreal though, to tick "Yes" for the question "Are you here for business reasons?". It's like a checkmark leading up to the question "Sarah, are you an adult?", of which I'm somewhat in denial. Well, I'll probably have a chance to relive my childhood memories in Space Mountain in 6 days' time when I visit the theme parks after the GE conference (which is the reason why I'm here in the first place).

Ok, I think I'm rambling (and fighting a losing battle against the sandman). Even Nicole Kidman can't save me....

No, I shall keep on keeping on! Hmph!

prinsessa mused @ 12:39 AM


Sunday, May 14, 2006

What do you give to a lady who's given not just the material, but her entire life to your wellbeing?

A book? A card? A bouquet of flowers?
Cook a meal, sing a song, write a poem?
Paint a picture, compose a melody?
Buy her the world?

Hang on - she did all these for me.

So what can I do in return? What unique gift can I bring?

That dilemna stayed with me through morning service, till God, in His divine wisdom, planted a thought, whispered a hint, and then left it to me to decide.

What do you give a lady who has everything?

So I postponed my driving lesson (sorry, Mr Lim) this afternoon, and took my Mum on a date this afternoon. Journeyed by bus, simple meal of shrimp wanton & dumplings with Chinese tea, a short walk home. But what a date, and what words were spoken, a precious time of simply catching up, talking, sharing heart-to-heart, mother-to-daughter, friend-to-friend.

To a lady who's given me her entire life and more -



If I live in a house of spotless beauty with everything in it's place, but have not love, I am a "housekeeper"-not a homemaker.

If I have time for waxing, polishing, and decorative achievements, but have not love, my children learn of cleanliness-not godliness.

Love leaves the dust, and goes in search of a child's laugh.

Love smiles at the tiny fingerprints on a newly cleaned window.

Love wipes away the tears before it wipes up the spilled milk.

Love picks up the child before it picks up the toys.

Love is present through trials.

Love reprimands, reproves, and is responsive.

Love crawls with the baby, walks with the toddler, runs with the child, then stands aside to let the youth walk into adulthood.

Love is the key that opens salvation's message to a child's heart.

Before I became a mother, I took glory in my house of perfection.

Now I glory in God's perfection of my child.

As a mother, there is MUCH I must teach my child,

But the greatest of these is LOVE.

(Author Unknown)

prinsessa mused @ 9:26 PM


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Finally sent that email! Now I can go to sleep.....

Or maybe I should slack around a bit... after all, my public holiday has JUST started :D

prinsessa mused @ 12:35 AM


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Not feeling too good today physically, feeling a bit nauseous... But am sure that sleep will help. Early night tonight (after a conference call from 10-11pm, that is).

Dad's flying to Barcelona tonight, to play golf! Haha he deserves to enjoy his retirement, am glad he's got good kaki to go with. Shall continue to pray for full restoration of his hearing though, cos it's affecting his balance. But I have the peace to know that he's well in God's hands, so no worries :)

Mid-week already, it's a short week this week actually, what with the holiday in-lieu of Election Day (non-event for me since it's a walkover for my constituency), and Vesak Day this Friday. Most likely will still have to work on Friday, but at least in the comfort of t-shirts and shorts at home, and I get to sleep in. Always the little perks that help. And shall aim to stick to my (re)new(ed) resolution to keep Saturdays and Sundays free from work as far as possible. Rest needs to be full and proper, and the Lord's day be honoured.

Will also be taking auto-car driving lessons soon too, in anticipation of my posting to the US in Aug. 2 months plus to 'chao piah'... sure hope Auto beats Manual driving by a lot, I still have nightmares about the clutch...

prinsessa mused @ 8:41 PM


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Long time no post :)

And so many things have happened since then.

But perhaps most significantly, this week marks a new phase in my journey as a Christian. After a few months of wandering in the 'wilderness', this week my eyes have been opened to new revelations, revelations that I've never known despite (or perhaps because) of me having grown up in church and having been a Christian for this long (18 years?). It's almost like a blank page, a new beginning, a new awakening, a fresh reminder, a once-again falling in love.

Magical :)

To that note, I've also received news that for my 6-month overseas stint starting Aug (as part of my program), I've been given a posting in the US. It's a rare opportunity to be posted to the US, not given to many FMPs, and I do count it a privilege. Yet at the same time, I feel sobered by it - esp during this season in my life. I'm excited, yet sobered to know that the 6 months will be another time of development, and a real test of whether I can stand firm when I'm standing alone. Not so much the peer influence factor, but the fact that I'll be pretty much alone when I'm posted to the US, and it'll thus take discipline on my part to stay accountable. But perhaps, that's the very reason why it's timely. After all, James did say that trials produces perseverances, and perseverance, character, and character, hope. And I do want that immovable, solid foundation of a character that won't sway with the winds.

Well, now's May. One step at a time, but each step to be firmly taken.

prinsessa mused @ 9:05 PM


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Touched down from BKK about 3 hours ago. Was there for the Kick-off session of my FMP course (Operations). 1st time setting foot in Bangkok, outside of its airport at least.

Fascinating place, Thailand. Really the land of the smiles. I felt so loved and cared for in the hotel. And the service seemed genuinely sincere, not the 'I-smile-cos-my-boss-is-looking' plasticky grins that're more common elsewhere.

Also, what a colourful place! It was there that I saw pink taxis - PINK! Taxis!
Talk about character man.

Too bad this time round I was a little too bogged down by work to really get out and enjoy the place. Was working till 1am last night doing my reports (catching all the free time I had outside of class to get stuff done). Only JUST finished sending one out. Well, this current 6-month rotation is definitely a lot different from my previous one, and a lot more challenging. Steep learning curve, for sure. And already needing to stay back late to clear work, only in my 2nd week or so into the new job. Tough, but builds resilience. Just needing God a lot to sustain me through this.

Have also been snacking a lot to destress... oh dear... almost couldn't fit into my jeans :
Time to get healthy and get moving and get the blood flow going..!

But for now - ZZZzzzzzz................

prinsessa mused @ 11:47 PM



have popped by since 1 Oct 2005 :)

stanley I
stanley II

Lil red dot called Singapore
What this blog is about:
A fodder of conversations -
I like to jump off the human bandwagon, grab a cup of coffee, and take time to talk, to my Papa God, others, and myself (not out loud of course). And it is in these times of quietude where a mess of thought becomes coherent.
5 minutes with me would reveal:
1) I love bread & coffee
2) I snack way too much
3) I love my movies
4) I have a strangely low voice for my look,
the latter often described as 'babyfaced'
5) I can be embarrassingly hyper or strangely subdued
(depends on when you catch me)
One more interesting fact:
The skinny figure featured on the left
was dreamt up and drawn by yours truly.
You can say it's me,
albeit with less hair and meat.
(same round face, though.)

March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
May 2006
July 2006