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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Touched down from BKK about 3 hours ago. Was there for the Kick-off session of my FMP course (Operations). 1st time setting foot in Bangkok, outside of its airport at least.

Fascinating place, Thailand. Really the land of the smiles. I felt so loved and cared for in the hotel. And the service seemed genuinely sincere, not the 'I-smile-cos-my-boss-is-looking' plasticky grins that're more common elsewhere.

Also, what a colourful place! It was there that I saw pink taxis - PINK! Taxis!
Talk about character man.

Too bad this time round I was a little too bogged down by work to really get out and enjoy the place. Was working till 1am last night doing my reports (catching all the free time I had outside of class to get stuff done). Only JUST finished sending one out. Well, this current 6-month rotation is definitely a lot different from my previous one, and a lot more challenging. Steep learning curve, for sure. And already needing to stay back late to clear work, only in my 2nd week or so into the new job. Tough, but builds resilience. Just needing God a lot to sustain me through this.

Have also been snacking a lot to destress... oh dear... almost couldn't fit into my jeans :
Time to get healthy and get moving and get the blood flow going..!

But for now - ZZZzzzzzz................

prinsessa mused @ 11:47 PM



have popped by since 1 Oct 2005 :)

stanley I
stanley II

Lil red dot called Singapore
What this blog is about:
A fodder of conversations -
I like to jump off the human bandwagon, grab a cup of coffee, and take time to talk, to my Papa God, others, and myself (not out loud of course). And it is in these times of quietude where a mess of thought becomes coherent.
5 minutes with me would reveal:
1) I love bread & coffee
2) I snack way too much
3) I love my movies
4) I have a strangely low voice for my look,
the latter often described as 'babyfaced'
5) I can be embarrassingly hyper or strangely subdued
(depends on when you catch me)
One more interesting fact:
The skinny figure featured on the left
was dreamt up and drawn by yours truly.
You can say it's me,
albeit with less hair and meat.
(same round face, though.)

March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
May 2006
July 2006